line ทั้งหมด 010100|0800|900|300 -> 5. ยอดรวมทรัพยสิ์นส่วนเกิน (excess equity) 010100|0400|1000|65 -> 3. ยอดเงินใหกู้ย้มืคงคา้ง (margin loan) รูปท่ี 2 : ไฟล์ “ข้อ1_รายละเอียดลูกค้า_(1).txt” ข้อสังเกต
วางหลกัประกนั การค านวณ Excess Equity การบงัคบัขาย เป็นตน้ (2) ตอ้งไม่ละเลยการตรวจสอบดูแลตามสมควร (fail to supervise) ส าหรับการปฏิบติัหนา้ท่ี ของผูบ้ริหาร ผูจ้ดัการกองทุน และกรรมการในคณะกรรมการลงทุน
period ends; (b) prohibition of using subscription money in excess of the total amount expected to obtain from the offering for any other business before returning money to unallocated subscribers
subscribers’ rights to receive interest at the rate of not less than seven point five percent per annum from the date after such period ends; (b) prohibition of using subscription money in excess of the total
exceeds the due amount and the securities company has already returned the excess money to the client within five working days from the date of receipt of such money; (c) money received from securities sale
securities purchase transactions; (b) money paid by a client for securities purchase transactions which exceeds the due amount and the securities company has already returned the excess money to the client
securities purchase transactions; (b) money paid by a client for securities purchase transactions which exceeds the due amount and the securities company has already returned the excess money to the client
15,080 9,296 10,608 8,505 Doubtful of loss 53,718 53,837 65,092 28,969 30,188 41,044 Total 2,035,802 2,088,784 1,983,362 58,576 58,620 71,288 Add Excess allowance for doubtful accounts 93,476 88,968 73,268
products or provision of services is not more than one-third of the maximum capacity of the infrastructure business, unless it can be demonstrated that an excess of such proportion is in accordance with the
-third of the maximum capacity of the infrastructure business , unless it can be demonstrated that an excess of such proportion is in accordance with the nature of the industry of such infrastructure