Profits increased 17% to THB 632m in Q3 2017 from THB 540m in Q3 2016. Net Profit increased 35% to THB 769m in Q317 from THB 569m in Q316, due to higher operating profits and exchange gain in Q317. Quarter
Company = 848,430,365 × 100 25,377,425,072 = 3.34 percent (2) Calculation based on the net operating profits criteria Transaction size = Net operating profits of the business transaction × 100 Net operating
5.2 billion for the first quarter of 2018 from THB 5.2 billion for the first quarter 2017. Sales Revenue in USD terms increased 10% to USD 165m for Q1 2018 from USD 149m in Q1 2017. Operating Profits
THB 5.2 billion for the third quarter of 2019 from THB 6.0 billion for the third quarter 2018. Sales Revenue in USD terms decreased 8% to USD 168m for Q3 2019 from USD 182m in Q3 2018. Operating Profits
. 4Core EBITDA is Reported EBITDA less inventory gains/(losses) 5Core EPS is Reported EPS less inventory gains/(losses) less one-time extraordinary items Indorama Ventures 1st Quarter 2018 MD&A 3 Summary We
Retained earnings 2,870,524 2,682,432 2,363,541 (Unit: Singapore Dollar) Income Statement 2018 2017 2016 Freight revenue 22,118,455 21,101,376 18,303,217 Other income 258,887 61,456 253,280 Total revenue
Knightsbridge Collage Ramkhamhaeng which have presales more than 93% of the total project value, 3,700 million baht, which recognizing profits of joint ventures over 93.3 million Baht (in proportion to the
caused by a 1.31 million. Baht 2,362 m rd quarter of ebentures and profits from profits from in h ended Sep s in the amou ast year, incr d quarter of 2 Baht 98.03 m 3.51% as foll are of profits fr nded
1.30 million baht or 31.88% due to in quarter 3 ,2016 profits from sales of investments of Nana Solution Co.,Ltd. amount 0.23 million baht. Expenses 1. Cost of sales and hire of work totaling 181.51
million. 3. In 2018, other income consist of dividend income and private fund income, share of profits from investment in associates and profit from the recognition of investments in available- for-sale