Airline Passenger Experience Association), a non-profit membership trade association dedicated to improving the entire airline passenger experience. The APEX Official Airline Ratings™ is based on neutral
membership trade association dedicated to improving the entire airline passenger experience (September 2019) 16. The Company was awarded “Selling Travel Agents Choice Awards 2019” as Overseas Regional Airline
ตอบจำนวนบุคลากรเป็น 0 คน 8.2 ถ้าไม่มี แผนก IT security / Cybersecurity เป็นการเฉพาะ บริษัทท่านมีเจ้าหน้าที่ในแผนก IT ที่ทำงานด้าน IT Security/Cybersecurity เป็นการเฉพาะ (dedicated personnel) กี่คน (1
under the Convention on wetlands, known as the Ramsar Convention. Safely managed WASH services: The universal provision of safely managed water, sanitation, and hygiene services has dedicated targets
reliance on sales in China. At present, the Company’s products are well- received in the Philippines but still could not make up for the slowdown in sales in China. The Company is committed to expanding
time injury in Q4 2017 and internal lost time injuries reduced from 6 in 2016 to 4 in 2017. We are committed to our ultimate objective of zero accidents Revenue: 212mTHB in Q4 2017 compared to 185mTHB
its personnel committed in the name of the intermediary ; (2) the insurance shall be used only for the maintenance of capital under Paragraph 1(3) of Clause 4 of the Notification concerning Maintenance
committed in the name of the intermediary; (2) the insurance shall be used only for the maintenance of capital under Paragraph 1(3) of Clause 4 of the Notification concerning Maintenance of Capital for the
in China. The Company is committed to expanding further to other potential countries and is in the process of conducting market feasibility studies in certain markets. Apart from that, the Company was
safety: There was zero lost time injury in Q1 2018. We are committed to our ultimate objective of zero accidents Revenue: 252mTHB in Q1 2018 compared to 270mTHB in Q1 2017 EBITDA: 54mTHB in Q1 2018