conditions. Nevertheless, risk factors still remain from the following 1) Contractions in private investment continue especially in the construction segment 2) Continued slowdown in manufacturing productions
performance supervision, internal audit, or risk management; (5) being able to show that person who is major shareholder does not have any prohibited characteristics under Paragraph 2 of Section 25 and the
supervision, internal audit, or risk management; 3 Amended by the Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. KorThor. 25/2558 Re: Approval for Undertaking of Derivatives Business (No.4) dated 2
supervision, internal audit, or risk management; 3 Amended by the Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. KorThor. 25/2558 Re: Approval for Undertaking of Derivatives Business (No.4) dated 2
ของสินค้าชนิดเดียวกัน โดยไม่คำนึงถึงอายุของสัญญา แล้วคูณด้วยค่าความเสี่ยง 15% ของฐานะสุทธิของสินค้าแต่ละชนิด เพื่อรองรับความเสี่ยงจากการเปลี่ยนแปลงของราคาตลาด (directional risk) 15% ของฐานะสุทธิ โดยฐานะ
& Qualifications (Section 25) |- Business Conduct (Section 18) | - |- Licensed Companies | - |- Registered Companies | - |- Know Your Clients | - |- Books & Records Requirements | - |- Online Submission | - |- Risk
Exchange Commission No. SorThor/Nor. 12/2551 Re: Rules for Establishment of Risk Management System for Business Continuity of Derivatives Business Operators _____________ By virtue of: (1) The first
(Thailand) Co.,Ltd. (“DBS”), shall be liable for DBS’s failure to put in place a sufficient and effective systems of operation, control and risk management of derivatives broker which violated section 113 of
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