the price or volume of the securities, and placing trading orders or trading securities on a continued basis with an intent to cause the price or the volume of such securities trading to be inconsistent
or volume of the securities, and placing trading orders or trading securities on a continued basis with an intent to cause the price or the volume of such securities trading to be inconsistent with the
, misappropriate the company's assets and seek wrongful gains, causing damage to IEC and arranged or allowed preparation of the company's accounting records to be inaccurate and inconsistent with the facts
, misappropriate the company's assets and seek wrongful gains, causing damage to IEC and arranged or allowed preparation of the company's accounting records to be inaccurate and inconsistent with the facts
inconsistent with the ever-advancing technologies and do not allow businesses to access necessary information sufficiently. The FinTech Act would not only reduce such limitations by allowing established
days.In any case, failure to comply with the SEC orders or disclosure of information inconsistent with the facts may subject EARTH's directors and executives to legal action that could lead to criminal
in big volumes. Such trading manipulation took place during 10-27 September 2013, causing YCI price and trading volume to be inconsistent with the normal market condition. The wrongdoing was assisted
systems for custody of client assets and Know Your Customer (KYC) were inconsistent with the standards accepted by the Anti-Money Laundering Office.As a result of the application rejection, Coin Asset
while concealing their trading activities to mislead the public regarding the share price and trading volume of BA. Consequently, the BA price and trading volume became inconsistent with normal market
be inconsistent with the intention of the regulations whereby a misdemeanor, an insignificant act or any wrongdoing not directly involved with the issuer’s core business shall be excluded. Given the