. Rights and duties of employers and employees have been revised to improve the level of protection for employees to be in accordance with international standards. In essence: (1) Prior consent must be given
the employees and workers of the intermediary, and shall include directors, managers or persons holding equivalent positions which are named otherwise. The connected persons of the employees under the
. The employees under the first paragraph shall mean the employees and workers of the intermediary, and shall include directors, managers or persons holding equivalent positions which are named otherwise
Client (KYC) processes. Employment-based retirement scheme: This covers all types of corporate retirement saving schemes that an organization may offer its employees. Depending on jurisdiction, these may
number of workers and machines in order to fulfill the production capacity. While, the cost of sales in year 2017 was 1,061,355,615.09 Baht, representing 95.00% of total sales. Moreover, in the year 2018
and would be completed in the similar time periods. This caused work overload and shortage of skilled workers Q4/2018 and into Q1/2019, resulting on cost overrun. Discussion and Analysis of the Company
and would be completed in the similar time periods. This caused work overload and shortage of skilled workers Q4/2018 and into Q1/2019, resulting on cost overrun. Discussion and Analysis of the Company
, introduction of professional wealth advisor to provide a service of personal asset allocation and organizing series of financial literacy projects to reach the main targets, e.g. new generation workers in the
employee benefit amounted to 35.51 million baht, decreased by 6.36 million baht or 15.19% due to the termination of some employees and changes in employee database. Shareholders’ Equity The Company had
fiscal standing through the implementation of relief measures to help sustain crisis-hit businesses and cash-strapped workers, after many businesses were ordered to suspend operations in line with the