disclose more information related to the price of the DW to be offered. This includes: - additional disclosure on the historical volatility of the underlying shares in the registration statement and
could also pose further risks to consumers and businesses through price volatility, cybertheft, personal data leakage, or money laundering, etc.Recognizing such risks and implications, regulators will
economic and social development of the country. It also helps country prepare for change in response to various impacts arising from the increasing uncertainty and volatility we are facing today. Moreover
เปดเผยสูตรการคํานวณราคา และ factor ที่ใชในการคํานวณตาม แนวทางที่ IB club กําหนด เห็นดวยตามหลักการที่เสนอ - 2. การเปดเผยขอมูล historical volatility ไวในแบบ filing ไมเห็นดวยเน่ืองจากขอมูลดังกล
borderless marketplace of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). Given the increased degree of uncertainty in global economies, especially pressure from a looming trade war among core economies and their
SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol said that SEC has organized a panel discussion as an academic stage, aiming people to understand the background of “Libra” and which of its parts
while prices of gold and silver also tumbled.?Today, Thai stock indices and prices of gold and silver drastically dropped amid global markets? volatility. The SEC has closely monitored the situation and
ensure proper information disclosure by mutual funds investing in securities or other instruments of listed firms in any specific industry (sector fund) that may involve higher risks and price volatility
small and mid-cap companies, which involve additional risks such as limited liquidity and greater volatility. The Fund invests in securities outside of the U.S. which involve greater volatility and
Exchange (SGX), who is of view that volatility closing price on such particular day was due to market?s low liquidity. SGX also investigated on the incident and decided to set additional measure where market