clients over the previous 12 months, and 3) continued efficiency improvements of cogeneration power plants after gas turbine upgrade. Stable IU volume with well portfolio diversification Despite the
efficiency 9.4 By 2030, upgrade infrastructure and retrofit industries to make them sustainable, with increased resource-use efficiency and greater adoption of clean and environmentally sound technologies and
well as post-sales processes, by requiring intermediaries to improve effectiveness of internal communication with their salespersons and laying down effective monitoring system to ensure service quality
measures would help improve effectiveness of legal enforcement. Sanctions would be imposed on the wrongdoers more appropriately with consideration to the type and degree of severity of the wrongdoing
committed a plan to ensure good governance, transparency, and corruption-free operation, and to enhance the efficiency of operations and services to achieve the SEC mission and better serve the needs of
Consultation and Cooperation and the Exchange of Information (IOSCO MMoU) to enhance effectiveness of cross-border enforcement; ë To continue the endeavors toward mutual recognition and harmonization of
market and foreign laws is conducted. The proposals resulting from this study will be greatly beneficial to amendment of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (Securities and Exchange Act) to enhance
%, due to the company has improved its production efficiency and gain from sale of flexible packaging. 3. Selling expenses In Q3/2017, the selling expenses was Baht 2.63 million compare with the same
built environment, such as street lighting upgrade projects refer to projects that achieve energy performance improvements through the application of energy efficiency measures and components that relate
responsibility must be lived up with to boost confidence and upgrade standards in corporate governance for companies listed in Thailand.Mr. Rapee Sucharitakul, Secretary-General of the Securities and Exchange