and closures that may be imposed for spikes in occurrences of the virus and the extent to which any such measures could be implemented remain uncertain, including whether any more temporary or permanent
containing the COVID-19, economic growth is forecasted to contract by -7.8%1; the lowest growth among ASEAN countries. In addition, a range of political issues are loading to an uncertain economic recovery
climate-related physical or transition risk changes over the short, medium, and long term. Novel and uncertain nature Many of the effects of climate change have no precedent, limiting the ability to apply
. Until date, the Company has agreed with the customer to end this project, and it is in negotiation with the customer regarding amount to be settled, which is still highly uncertain at this stage. At 31
uncertain as conditions stated under Expected transaction date have to be achieved first. Therefore, the Company will calculate the value of the transaction and will inform the Stock Exchange of Thailand and
tried to minimize the risks that might incur from the uncertain spread of COVID-19 outside Thailand and the stringent housing loan approval policies adopted by the financial institutions. MK gave its
certain characteristics (not solely on size). ** Measured by total size of tracking ETFs Rank Free-float weight Market capitalization weight Strategic beta 1 S&P 500 TR (476 $ bln) KRX KOSPI 200 Korea PR (8
still uncertain, and much depends on how the Phase One trade deal develops. Meanwhile, IMF forecasts that the global economy may grow 3.3 percent, down from the previous projection of 3.4 percent. Looking
ศึกษาของ Sharpe (1966) ที่ ริเริ่มวัดผลการดาเนินงานของกองทุนรวมว่ามีความสม่าเสมอหรือไม่ โดยใช้อัตราส่วน ของชาร์ป (Sharpe ratio) โดยจดัอนัดบักองทุนโดยใช้ค่าสหสมัพนัธ์ลาดับทีข่องสเปยร์ แมน (Spearman rank
observed. In this paper, exogenous variable is predetermined type not strictly category with the implication of Hausman test. The consideration of order condition and rank condition is recognized under the