CRITERIA LFGITIMATE Trustworthy Accountable ACCESSIBLE Known Variety of access points Assistance to overcome barriers PREDICTABLE Clear procedures Clear timeframes EQUITABLE Fair access to information
services in some cases. Gold consumers and investors are therefore advised to use discretion and exercise prudence in purchasing or selling gold only with reliable gold business operators. For further
Distribution Channels Quarter 2 of 2017 Quarter 2 of 2016 Variation THB % Domestic Restaurant and Bakery Business 1,408.7 1,403.2 5.5 0.4 Food and Bakery Wholesales Business 160.0 182.1 (22.1) (12.1) Overseas
Classified by Distribution Channels Quarter 3 of 2017 Quarter 3 of 2016 Variation THB Domestic Restaurant and Bakery Business 1,615 1,652 (37) Food and Bakery Wholesales Business 231 233 (1) Overseas
malls and also the OEM products increased. -2- Revenues Classified by Distribution Channels 3rd Quarter 2018 3rd Quarter 2017 Variation THB % Domestic Restaurant and Bakery Business 1,690 1,615 75 4.7
commercial bank’s services to make sure that the commercial bank has an effective system for storage of assets, is able to repay debts upon demand, and is under the supervision of a trustworthy organization
are advised to use information from official, reliable sources. In case of false information dissemination found, please inform the SEC Help Center at 0-2263-6000. The news reporters are also asked for
obtain Investment Advisor or Derivatives Advisor licenses. However, those eligible to provide advice to retail investors must be screened by local securities firms as being competent and reliable foreign
identification and verification procedure that is both appropriate and reliable; - Upon any material change in a transaction, or any reason to suspect such information, to verify, to review, and to collect
2015 and 2016 were restated because fictitious revenue had been recorded. The SEC reviewed Patamavan’s engagement performance as NMG’s auditor and found that she failed to obtain reliable evidence that