businesses were assisted in transition to become more transparent in order to meet with good corporate governance practices while commit to create value for shareholders and to be trustworthy for investors
. Most of the large stock exchanges are now profit maximising and themselves publicly traded joint stock companies that operate in competition with other profit maximising stock exchanges and trading
investigation led to reliable evidence indicating that transactions to purchase and to sell empty large gas tanks and small gas tank purchase were made with objective to siphon money from PICNI for benefit of
the documents in order to acquire sufficient and reliable evidences concerning NIPPON?s transactions on securities investment, even though the company had continuously invested in large amount of
rebranding campaign, the SEC has launched a new corporate logo symbolizing a friendly and modern identity:1) The blue font represents a trustworthy national institution, a key pillar for promoting economic
& Compliance Management 4. Regional Payment & Settlement 5. Data Analytics 6. Cyber Security 7. Performing Talent and Agile Organization 8. Modern World Class Technology Capability STRONG TRUSTWORTHY BRAND
ซักซ้อมความเข้าใจเกี่ยวกับการคำนวณค่าความเสี่ยงจากการที่บริษัทมีเงินลงทุนกระจุกตัวในบุคคลใดบุคคลหนึ่ง (Large Exposure Risk)
SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol said that the SEC emphasizes the role of the capital market in providing reliable and sufficient information to support investors' decision making
conducting an asset due diligence from every year after the previous due diligence to at least once in a calendar year, and permitting the use of other reliable methods to conduct an asset due diligence
. EGCO personnel have dependable capabilities and experiences in power industry. Board members are from diversified business expertise, with extensive knowledge and long-time experienced in energy and