for preventing and suppressing digital asset-related frauds and faster measures to contain damage incurred from such frauds that affect the investing public. The next step is to discuss methods and
proper and practical regulations, taking into account the best interest of investors and the capital market as a whole. The hearing is only the first step; there is much more to be done for the development
partnership, Mark Gooding, His Majesty’s Ambassador to Thailand, said: “Financial services are a key driver of the modern economy. We are proud to take another step in our long-time partnership with SEC
) ในไตรมำส 2/2563 บรษัิท อนิเด็กซ ์ลฟิวิง่มอลล ์จ ำกดั (มหำชน) (“บรษิทัฯ” หรอื “ILM”) ยังสำมำรถท ำก ำไรได ้แม ้ ตอ้งปิดสำขำส่วนใหญ่ของ Index Living Mall, The Walk และ Little Walk ตั ้งแต่วันที่ 22 มีนำคม
Structure Q1/2018 Q1/2017 Change Cash-Base Revenue (Walk-In) 1,170.5 994.6 175.9 17.7% Social Security Scheme Revenue 651.9 609.0 42.9 7.0% Universal Coverage Revenue - 18.3 (18.3) (100%) Other Income 21.5
the Company. Revenue Structure Q2/2018 Q2/2017 Difference Cash-Base (Walk-In) Revenue 1,240 1,049.4 190.6 18.2% Social Security Scheme Revenue 678 604.4 73.5 12.2% Universal Coverage Revenue - 22.4
marketing to promote products and services of the hospital to both local and international patients. And, the financial costs Revenue Structure Q3/2018 Q3/2017 Difference Cash-Base (Walk-In) Revenue 1,474.0
amount of Baht 74.2 million or 32.8% from the use of marketing to promote products and Revenue Structure Q3/2018 Q3/2017 Difference Cash-Base (Walk-In) Revenue 1,518.9 1,273.6 245.3 19.3% Social Security
/2562 ถงึแมว้ำ่บรษัิทฯ จะปิดพืน้ทีใ่หเ้ชำ่สว่นใหญ่ของทัง้ The Walk และ Little Walk ตัง้แตว่นัที ่22 มนีำคม 2563 เชน่เดยีวกับ Index Living Mall แตยั่งมพีืน้ทีใ่หเ้ชำ่บำงสว่นทียั่งใหบ้รกิำรได ้เชน่ ซปุเป
Securities Commission Malaysia said ?The implementation of the Scheme is an important step towards a more efficient environment for access to capital across ASEAN. By allowing consistency of information in