conventional media sectors. The TV sector with the highest market share at 64.8%, fell 7.4% YoY to THB 65,786mn and Traditional media (Newspaper, Magazines and Radio) with a 13.9% market share, declined by 21.7
อัตราผลตอบแทน (Yield) จากการลงทุน Green bond เมือ่เปรียบเทียบกับการลงทุนในตราสารหนี้ทั่วไป (Conventional bond) หรือค่า Greenium1 1 Green bond premium or Greenium: the difference in yield between green
assessment of economic value, but which does not fit easily into the traditional accounting framework. Other terms such as ‘extra-financial’ are also sometimes used to describe this information. In recognition
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