paper is available on the SEC?s website at Comments and suggestions on the matter are invited through the said website until January 31, 2009.
matter to ensure that the investors will have accurate and clear information for investment decision-making. Meanwhile, investors are urged to follow up the company?s clarification and take precaution in
regulations for the matter. To ensure that sophisticated, diversified investments of high risk potential are managed carefully, the upcoming regulations will require that private fund management companies
October 8, 2004 for consideration. Mr. Thirachai Phuvanatnaranubala, SEC Secretary-General, said that ?The SEC will conduct a full-scale investigation into this matter thoroughly. Please be assured that
an investment management business. The amendments aim to prevent the use of the initial public offering channel as a regulatory arbitrage tool. The public hearing on this matter was completed in May
may be deemed insider trading and front running to take advantage of the fund under his management and the investing public, the SEC reaffirms a thorough and transparent investigation into the matter
exploitation of such information to take advantage of the fund for the benefit of oneself or others. Presently, all companies have already made progress on this matter accordingly.Vasant Thienhom, SEC Deputy
any of investing public who have been contacted or solicited to invest in derivatives products such as gold futures and oil futures, no matter how tempting the offers are, to verify the legitimacy of
activities in relation to this matter actually started with the signing of an MOU designating cooperation with the Office of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on 31 May 2019 and driving operation
gold prices traded in the market in calculation of domestic fund?s NAV. Without irregularity, closing price of foreign ETF remains in use. The SEC has also discussed the matter with staff of Singapore