Office uses to increase or decrease the weight in considering the facts in general: (a) the involvement of a person in the prohibited characteristics such as being a principal, an user or a supporter, etc
Office uses to increase or decrease the weight in considering the facts in general: (a) the involvement of a person in the prohibited characteristics such as being a principal, an user or a supporter, etc
Office uses to increase or decrease the weight in considering the facts in general: (a) the involvement of a person in the prohibited characteristics such as being a principal, an user or a supporter, etc
: 19 July 2018 2. Financial Supporter, Connected Transaction Parties: Jaymart Public Company Limited which is major shareholder of the Company held 67.5% (Lender) 3. Financial Receiver: JAS Asset Public
Exchange Commission) List of Persons Receiving an Allocation With the Value of More Than One Million Baht from the Supporter Quota (Form 35-IPO-1M) 10. Notification of Capital Market Supervisory Board 5
commitment signatory and supporter of the UN women empowerment principle Maintain progress to achieve target Accelerate progress to achieve target Reverse trend to achieve target Which targets are on track for
assistant and supporter to the commission of the offenses and subject to the penalties in conjunction with Section 86 of the Penal Code. The Civil Sanction Committee has resolved to instruct the SEC to
Institute (FPTI), and (5) Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as an academic supporter. The objective of this seminar is to raise awareness of government and private sectors in protecting personal
Transaction Parties Finance supporter : G J Steel Public Company Limited (“Company”) Finance receiver : G Steel Public Company Limited (“GSTEL”), which holds shares in the company, both direct and indirect
Transaction Parties Finance supporter : G J Steel Public Company Limited (“GJS”), in which the Company holds shares direct and indirect totaling 18.97 percent of GJS’s paid-up capital. Finance receiver : G