Ngamkaiwan, Director and CEO, (2) Mrs. Vacharee Ngamkaiwan, TUCC Director and Deputy CEO, (3) Mrs. Suchit Rungcharoenchai, EX-TUCC Director, Deputy CEO, and CFO, (4) Miss Nitaya Yongphithakwatana, TUCC
Thai Niche Company Limited Thai Niche Company Limited aided and abetted the executive of Thai Unique Coil Center Public Company Limited (TUCC) : (1) Mr. Yongyuth Ngamkaiwan, Director and CEO, (2
person within the firm, including CEO? Does the firm communicate to the person who take care of performance evaluation to consider the deficiencies found as part of evaluation? Does the firm communicate to
The live webinar features special lectures and CEO panel discussion to share views and experiences on business management in compliance with respect for human rights principles. The seminar agenda
Coil Center Public Company Limited (TUCC) : (1) Mr. Yongyuth Ngamkaiwan, Director and CEO, (2) Mrs. Vacharee Ngamkaiwan, TUCC Director and Deputy CEO, (3) Mrs. Suchit Rungcharoenchai, EX-TUCC
, including the CEO, the risk assessment responsible person and any relevant risk owner in TSQM element? B5 Does the firm communicate to the person who take care of performance evaluation to consider the
หัวข้อประเมิน ตัวอย่าง แบบประเมินผลงานของ CEO วัตถุประสงค ์ 1. แบบประเมินชดุนี้จัดท ำขึ้นเพื่อใชป้ระเมินกำรปฏิบัติหน้ำที่ของผู้บริหำรสูงสุด ประธำนเจ้ำหน้ำที่บริหำร กรรมกำรผู้จดักำรใหญ่ หรือชื่อต ำ
Mr. Yongyuth Ngamkaiwan Between 2010 and 2011, Mr. Yongyuth Ngamkaiwan, Director and CEO of Thai Unique Coil Center Plc. (TUCC) , who was responsible for the operation of TUCC and entrusted to
TUCC and entrusted to manage the property of TUCC, together with (1) Mr. Yongyuth Ngamkaiwan, Director and CEO, (2) Mrs. Vacharee Ngamkaiwan, TUCC Director and Deputy CEO, (3) Mrs. Suchit
Mrs. Vacharee Ngamkaiwan Between 2010 and 2011, Mrs. Vacharee Ngamkaiwan, Director and Deputy CEO of Thai Unique Coil Center Plc. (TUCC) , who was responsible for the operation of TUCC and entrusted