ปาฐกถาพิเศษในหัวข้อ “What makes Thailand successful in creating a gender balanced senior management environment” เพื่อแลกเปลี่ยนความคิดเห็นในประเด็นความเท่าเทียมกันทางเพศ และความสำเร็จของประเทศไทยในการ
. We view that good personal finance skills along with business knowledge and ethics will enable them to have independent and successful living as well as creating strong foundation of the country ' s
in monitoring listed companies.? LCA President Prasert Boonsampan said: ?We are quite satisfied with the overall results. We will continue our support to the program and ask successful performers
and ask successful performers to render practical advice to other members for better results next year.? More details of the AGM assessment results can be viewed on www.sec.or.th
value of the associate and joint venture 10.76 -0.87 11.63 N.A. 2 already accomplished the commencement of commercial operation for the 1st phase 50MW from totaling 220 MW. 2. Cost of goods sold and
accomplished multiple goals simultaneously; for instance, intermediaries and the exchanges? fundamentals remained sound and solid and thus strengthened their resilience to volatility. On progress of sustainable
% or Baht 97 million due to the successful of new product development and successful of promotional campaigns. Cost of sales Total cost of sales of the company for Q2’2017 was Baht 2,108 million or
launching of new products was very successful and got positive feedback from the customers. Besides, the product segment management and the improvement of customer services were well implemented. Moreover, in
:?It is pleasing to see the efforts being put into ensuring the successful operation of the Passport. Before formal commencement the JC wants to consider the experience from the piloting process testing
In a case that at the minimum 80% of targeted fundraising amount in crowdfunding project are subscribed, this is regarded as successful debenture crowdfunding. This regulatory revision aims to