debentures, bills of exchange (B/E) and derivative warrants (DW), allotment to the related persons will be allowed in the similar manner as that to general investors. The revised regulations aim to strike a
Company has decreased Rubber Wood Kiln Dried Sawn Timber in export due to majority of customers in China have requested to delay the shipments because customers are in process of improving environment in
Secretary-General Tipsuda Thavaramorn said “Based on the regulation, we try to strike the balance between fostering innovation and building confidence to the relevant parties. Comments from all parties
Requirements for sustainable forest management .................................................................................................................. 14 3.4 Requirements for non-timber forest
., Ltd. (engage in business of Rubberwood Sawn Timber) and Fancy Assets Co., Ltd. (engage in business of real estate) with total income increase of 67.25 million Baht and 107.31 million Baht respectively
or a decrease of 14.53 percent. The revenue decrease was partly result of lower sales of Rubber Wood Sawn Timber business to its Chinese customers as majority of customers requested for delays in
coin are not regarded as operating digital asset brokers and dealers under this royal decree. SEC Deputy Secretary-General Tipsuda Thavaramorn said “Based on the regulation, we try to strike the balance
purchasers generation and distribution. Mr. Khomwit Boomthamrongkit is also an executive and a shareholder in many companies such as SBP Timber Group Co., Ltd. having its main business of importing and
. Additionally, supervision on offering of financial instruments will be reviewed to strike the right balance between facilitating business operations and fund raising and providing appropriate level of investor
. Besides, certain regulations will be revised to cope with systemic risks and volatility of capital flows. Additionally, supervision on offering of financial instruments will be reviewed to strike the right