ท่ีมีความมัน่คง (Net Stable Funding Ratio: NSFR) (ร้อยละ) 136.0% เงินกองทุนชั้นท่ี 1 (Tier 1 ratio) (ร้อยละ) 17.1% เงินกองทุนทั้งส้ิน (CAR ratio) (ร้อยละ) 18.2% * ตัวเลข LCR ค ำนวณด้วยวิธี simple
Ratio: NSFR) (ร้อยละ) 138 เงินกองทุนชัAนที 1 (Tier 1 ratio) (ร้อยละ) 17.7 เงินกองทุนทัAงสิAน (CAR ratio) (ร้อยละ) 18.8 หมายเหต ุ 1.ตวัเลข LCR คาํนวณดว้ยวิธี simple average โดยคาํนวณจากขอ้มูลเฉลีย ณ วนัสิA
for retirement saving Dual Process Theory 15 16 Experimental Design Experiment 1: Simple vs Complex Tax Incentive Option Pre-Requisition filtering respondents who understand how tax deduction works
the criteria in order to keep it current. Consideration is given to the fact that the rates of fee should be equivalent, simple, and appropriate for the capital market environment , for example
approval of the listing and trading of spot bitcoin ETFs and solicitations made by some Thai brokerage firms for investors’ direct investment in such ETFs. The Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand
straightforward. The benefit of having an authoritative standard eases decision-making and focuses attention on credible climate change solution opportunities. The easier it is to use the faster the market will
, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included) Foreign investment of
, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included) Foreign investment of
, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included) Foreign investment of
, Thailand Equity fund Mixed fund Alternative investment fund Country concentration**Foreign investment asset class (TB) **Based on foreign direct investment (unit trust not included) Foreign investment of