381 740 35 34 51 384 414 791 8% 8% 11% 11% 9% 16% 2559 2560 2561 2562 2564 Necessity HVA Core EBITDA Margin (%) Core ROCE (%) Integrated PET Core EBITDA ($m)) บริษัทเข้าร่วมทุนกับบริษัท Loop
บริษทั Loop Industries ในการผลิตและการท าตลาดเมด็พลาสติกท่ีย ัง่ยนื เพื่อรองรับความตอ้งการของ ตลาดท่ีก าลงัเพ่ิมข้ึนในระดบัสากล บริษทัร่วมทุนในร้อยละ 50 น้ีจะมีสิทธิในการใชเ้ทคโนโลยขีอง Loop ท่ีจะผลิตเมด็
(ThaiCERT). Given the more sophisticated cyber risks, financial institutions as service providers, and customers as users, are increasingly vulnerable to losses. In terms of cyber security readiness, however
sophisticated machine learning. JEL Classification: C45, G34, M14 Keywords: corporate culture, board gender diversity, female directors, corporate governance, machine learning, textual analysis, agency theory 2
to increase its use of post-consumer PET and polyester waste materials as part of global agreement to combat plastic waste, being led by Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Formed a JV with Loop Industries
volatility, effectively assume this risk. Structured securities are complex instruments, typically involve a high degree of risk and are intended for sale only to sophisticated investors who are capable of
responsibilities of ownership are appropriately and fully delivered in their interests and on their behalf by those agents. As sophisticated investors with influence, often including voting rights, institutional
, businesses and payment have shifted into the digital realm. Meanwhile, cyber threats have become more sophisticated, as seen from their application of state- of-the-art technologies. Against this backdrop
management and portfolio quality improvement, our RM teams are always on hand to offer our customers advice on sophisticated investment products and hold financial activities that provide increased
on current, transparent and qualified data. The credit approval processes and systems are designed to align with customers’ characteristics. Medium and Large Business customers with sophisticated