strengthen and enhance a more sound cooperate image for both the Company and CCPT-KY. CCPT-KY would be able to attract and to recruit more professional and skilled personnel and to create a more competitive
professional and skilled personnel and to create a more competitive work place among other competitors. 8. Plan to utilize the proceeds from the IPO Plan CCPT-KY plans to use the proceeds from the IPO as follows
chief executive officer appoints knowledgeable, skilled, and experienced key executives. The board or the nomination committee together with the chief executive officer should establish the criteria and
QR Payment, as well as self-checkout. All associates wear a face mask and face shield at all times during operating hours. • Associates: The Company takes great concern for associates’ safety and has
นท่ีใหบ้ริการทกุคนสวมใส่หนา้กาก, Face Shield และถุงมือ พรอ้มทัง้ตรวจคดักรองอณุหภมูิก่อนเขา้ปฎิบตัิงาน และตัง้จุดคดักรองเพ่ือตรวจจับอณุหภูมิสาํหรบัผูเ้ขา้ใช้ บริการใหเ้ป็นไปตามนโยบายสุขอนามัยเฝ้าระวงัป้องกัน
Group's operating loss and utilization of tax shield. And for the 1st half of 2019 Mn, the Group’s income tax expense was THB 8.0 Mn. Meanwhile, in the 1st half of 2020, income tax expense was THB -36.4 Mn
start-ups with high potential; (3) From traditional services to high-value services that provide more value creation; and (4) From low-skilled to high-skilled labor with knowledge and expertise. 4
common protocol, the incentive fee should not be disproportionately excessive. If a company considers a stock option plan as a long-term incentive to retain skilled directors, executives and employees, the
Saving Super Shield Account, Saving Deposit Account, Non-Fixed Deposit Account, Current Account, Fixed Deposits Account and Tax-Free deposit Account etc. LH Financial Group Public Company Limited
Saving Super Shield Account, Saving Deposit Account, Non-Fixed Deposit Account, Current Account, Fixed Deposits Account and Tax-Free deposit Account etc. LH Financial Group Public Company Limited