- 2. Cost of sales and gross profit The Company’s cost of sales in Q3/2018 amounted to Baht 57.43 million, rising year-on-year by Baht 25.81 million or 81.63%, which was in line with the sharp increase
-months period ended 31 March 2020 and 2019 were THB (1.72) and 22.90 million respectively, a decrease of THB 24.62 million or 107.51%. Major reason for sharp decrease in Company net income is due mainly to
THB 10.66 million or 56.16%. Major reason for sharp decrease in Company net income is due mainly to the epidemic of Covid 19 which have a negative impact in revenue from real estate business. Therefore
30 September 2019 and 2018 were THB 19.00 and 186.33 million respectively, a decrease of THB 167.34 million or 89.80%. Major reason for sharp decrease in Company net income is due mainly to decrease in
sharp contraction in the first quarter of 2020 as economic activity was crippled due to efforts to control the spread of COVID-19. The World Economic Outlook of the International Monetary Fund estimated
Supercenter Public Company Limited to launch the Big C Platinum payWave Credit 2 Card and Big C Exclusive Card, which offering privileges under the concept “Daily happiness for shopping at Big C”. The Big C
ต่าง ๆ เพ่ือสนับสนุนด้านการวางแผนก าลังคนในวิชาชีพบัญชี และพัฒนาบุคลากรที่มีคณุภาพตรงกับความต้องการ 51 ท่ีมา : The Global Happiness Council. 2019. Global Happiness and Well-Being Policy Report 2019
นิยมองค์กร value ได้แก่ : โครงการพัฒนาจิตใจเพื่อการทำงานอย่างมีความสุข Mindful Organization for Happiness of All : หลักสูตร Neuro - Linguistic Program NLP เน้นกลุ่มผู้บริหารระดับสูง : หลักสูตร SEC
decreased from Baht 67.0 million to be Baht 50.7 million or equivalent to 24.29%. Therefore, the gross profit margin in Q2/2017 was declined from 7.12% in Q2/2016 to be 5.78%. This was derived from the sharp
81.96% in line with the sharp increase in revenues from sales in this period. Gross profit margin was 63.63%, higher than that of 55.63% a year earlier, as a result of the significant increase in sales