and its subsidiaries recorded total EBITDA of THB 2,514 million (-38% YoY, -38% QoQ), the performance softened, especially for Refinery Business, which was affected by the continuously lowering crude
2020, a decrease of 6.0% on March 2019. Brazil’s crude steel production for March 2020 was 2.6 million tons, down by 8.2% on March 2019. The main raw materials (Pig iron, shredded scrap) the price
investment. Since the crude oil prices gradually increased in line with the global economic recovery and OPEC continued its descending crude oil production. This affected the Company’s raw material prices
average selling price of biodiesel was increase by 29% in accordance to the price of crude palm oil as the main raw material, the palm oil is increase from the global CPO marker price to be much higher than
). Total Gross Refinery Margin (Total GRM) rose 67% YoY and 26% QoQ, while Market GRM lowered from the decreasing production volume. Moreover, the average crude price adjusted upward in the quarter, leading
of an increased in raw material cost is greater than an increased in HRC market price. The company expects the lower of production and sales due to the slowdown of Tolling during Q4/18. The company
. Total GRM increased by 5% YoY and 17% QoQ from the improved Market GRM that rose due to significant increase of production after the turnaround maintenance (TAM) , combined with crude cost that benefited
sales volumes. The sharp decline in the Finished Goods prices has also led to a decline in Raw material prices and the Company suffered devaluation loss on Finished Goods stock, Raw Material in stock and
market, where the oil business is in on a downward trajectory following slowing global economy due to the trade war between the US and China. The Dubai crude price in 2019 averaged at 63.51 $/BBL, a
sales volumes plus greater main raw material costs from higher crude oil price and tight market supply. However, the overall spread margin was improved and bring 23.9% gross profit margin comparing to