Protection Act (No. 4) B.E. 2562 (2019), published in the Government Gazette on May 27, 2019 and effective August 25, 2019 onward. Additional power was granted to the Committee on Advertisement in that it is
fund is a retail fund, there should be a plan to offer extensively to the public e.g. distribution, advertisement promotion and budgeting. 2.2 In the case where the mutual fund is a non-retail fund
the case where the mutual fund is a retail fund, there should be a plan to offer extensively to the public e.g. distribution, advertisement promotion and budgeting. 2.2 In the case where the mutual fund
should be conscious of their accountability to shareholders. Accountability mechanisms may require directors to stand for election on an annual basis or to stand for election at least once every three
with the sponsoring employer; in defined contribution pension schemes, the risk of financial underperformance by the assets rests with the individual beneficiary. Fiduciaries will need to be conscious of
environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks. The index is used as a performance benchmark for tracker funds and structured products, with ESG ratings used as standard criteria by socially conscious