investment strategies, product selection guidelines, investment monitoring and active engagement in addition to disclosing the fund management results to check whether they align with the set sustainability
ประเมินความเสี่ยงและผลตอบแทนแล้วเห็นว่า เหมาะสม และเป็นธรรม (product screening and selection) 2. จัดให้มีการเปิดเผยข้อมูลแก่ผู้ลงทุนอย่างเพียงพอ โดยอาจมีเครื่องมือหรือสื่อประกอบการอธิบายหุ้น
with regard to the approval of invoice issuance, expenses, payments, selection of service providers, and compliance with local rules and regulations. The SEC has therefore instructed CHUO to cooperate
company shares and are one of the factors in the selection of securities for SET50, SET100 and SETHD. Yet, given that these important criteria were last revised in 2008, SEC views that it is appropriate for
ว้เห็นว่า เหมาะสม และ เป็นธรรม (product screening and selection) 2. จดัให ้มีการเปิดเผยขอ้มูลแก่ผูล้งท ุนอย่างเพ ียงพอ โดยอาจมีเคร่ืองมือหรือ ส่ือประกอบการอธิบายหุ้นกูด้อ้ยสิทธิคลา้ยทุนเพื่อช่วยให้บุ
demonstrate that there are systems on the appointment of a custodian agent in place as follow: (1) System for selection a custodian agent to ensure that the custodian agent has a system ready for taking assets
demonstrate that there are systems on the appointment of a custodian agent in place as follow: (1) System for selection a custodian agent to ensure that the custodian agent has a system ready for taking assets
, selection of service providers, and compliance with local rules and regulations. The SEC has therefore instructed CHUO to cooperate with the auditor in providing information and documents and submit the
(2021) ENG Illustrative examples for the selection of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Sustainability - Linked Bond issuers, underwriters and investors ENG Thai Laws & Regulations D
(2021) ENG Illustrative examples for the selection of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Sustainability - Linked Bond issuers, underwriters and investors ENG Thai Laws & Regulations D