Microsoft Word - Clarification of Change more than 20%_NMG Q2 2017.docx Clarification on Percentage of Change More Than 20% The consolidated financial statements of Nation Multimedia Group Public
Microsoft Word - Clarification of Change more than 20%_NMG YE 2017.docx Clarification on Percentage of Change More Than 20% The consolidated financial statements of Nation Multimedia Group Public
Bangkok, January 8, 2010 ? The SEC has officially launched the Change Program, a major initiative to improve its organizational efficiency and Thai capital market competitiveness in the global arena
Bangkok, January 8, 2010 ? The SEC has officially launched the Change Program, a major initiative to improve its organizational efficiency and Thai capital market competitiveness in the global arena
2. Mrs. Jirapa Titachotinimit (Former name is Miss Jirapa Ingpongpun.) Engaging in providing rebates to clients, which are not deemed as benefits customary to services rendered in the normal course of securities business, thus violating the Regulations of the Stock Exchange of Thailand Re: Rules and Procedures for Charging Brokerage or Agent?s Fees for the Buying or Selling of Listed Securities and Members? Good Corporate Governance
Name of Marketing Officer Brief Description Notification/Section SEC Administrative Sanction Mr. Pisnu Pirungkapourah Following order of person who is not an account owner or authorized by the client causing damages to such client Notification No. SorThor. 67/2543 Re: Registration of Marketing Offic...
Name of Marketing Officer Brief Description Notification/Section SEC Administrative Sanction 1. Miss Thitiyaporn Sumatar Making decisions to buy or sell securities for clients Notification No. SorThor. 67/2543 Re: Registration of Marketing Officer dated December 21, 2000, amended by Notification No....
Name of Marketing Officer Brief Description Notification/Section SEC Administrative Sanction Miss Sirin Trakoolwong Buying or selling securities beyond clients? orders without authorization causing damages to such clients Notification No. SorThor. 67/2543 Re: Registration of Marketing Officer dated...
บริษัท หลักทรัพย์จัดการกองทุนกรุงไทย จำกัด (มหาชน)|กองทุนรวมฟีดเดอร์,กองทุนรวมเพื่อการออม | วันที่เสนอขาย : 15/03/2564 - 23/03/2564
บริษัท หลักทรัพย์จัดการกองทุนไทยพาณิชย์ จำกัด|กองทุนรวมฟีดเดอร์ | วันที่เสนอขาย : 11/06/2567 - 17/06/2567