revision process. The final Draft Act will be submitted according to the National Legislative Council's procedure in due course.?In addition to the legislation, the SEC is simultaneously working to remove
) Unitholders having an aggregate amount of not less than 10% of the total sold units can request the trust manager to proceed with seeking a unitholders’ resolution to remove a trustee or nominate a candidate
which harsh punishment could be imposed and there are reasonable grounds to believe that the offenders would remove or dispose of their properties, the SEC, by virtue of the first paragraph of Section 267
Thailand and the Department of Special Investigation) in the offences relating to unfair securities trading or management with nature of deceit, fraud or dishonesty, in which case the SEC shall remove such
generate the revenue in new business. The company has considerate to the opportunity in business and was found that the Biopharmaceutical products to eliminate the water hyacinth is the new innovation
. To eliminate the Conflict of interest of Ms. Kanjana Pongpatanadecha, spouse of major shareholder and Managing Director of the Company, currently hold the shares in subsidiary company exceed 10.0
หรือ ลบเปาหมายโครงการลา่สุด Remove last Objective เลือก SDG ที่ตรงกับเปาหมายโครงการ เมื่อเลือก SDG จาก Drop down list จะม ี SDG ขอยอย ใหเลือก Impact Goal คําอธิบายโดยยอ มีตัวอยาง คําอธิบายของ
have to be prepared for. In this regard, the SEC encourages local business operators to voice their concerns and opinions which will be further raised in the regional forum in an effort to remove
capital market in preventing and combating the cross-border securities violation.? ?To achieve satisfied assessment results in the FSAP, the SEC will explore ways to remove obstacles that may presently
Clause 3(3) of the SEC Notification KorChor 5/2548 Re: Requirements for Executives of Securities Issuing Companies dated 17 January 2005. Thus, the SEC is duty-bound to remove the names of the allegedly