นักงำน ผู้ลงทุนสถำบนัมีศักยภำพในกำรลงทุน/กำรรับควำมเสี่ยง (sophisticated) และดูแลตนเองได้ ประกอบกบัหลักเกณฑ์ปจัจบุัน อนุญำตใหผู้้ลงทนุสถำบันสำมำรถรับข้อมูลหรือค ำแนะน ำ กำรลงทุนจำกผูป้ระกอบกำรต่ำงประเทศ
กรณีท่ีเป็น การเสนอขายหลกัทรัพยต่์อผูล้งทุนในกลุ่มแรก (sophisticated investor) ซ่ึงไดรั้บการสันนิษฐานวา่เป็น ผูล้งทุนท่ีมีความรู้ความเขา้ใจในเร่ืองความเส่ียงท่ีเกิดจากการลงทุน กฎเกณฑท่ี์ก ากบัดูแลจึงผอ่น
venture between DTC and Le Cordon Bleu International, has completely relocated its office to 17th to 19th floors of Zen Tower, Central World Shopping Center. With the larger space from 2,000 square meters
from data analytics, enabled banks to target, attract and engage customers using more sophisticated techniques. Banks cooperated with potential partners across industries to gain new opportunities and
(ThaiCERT). Given the more sophisticated cyber risks, financial institutions as service providers, and customers as users, are increasingly vulnerable to losses. In terms of cyber security readiness, however
sophisticated machine learning. JEL Classification: C45, G34, M14 Keywords: corporate culture, board gender diversity, female directors, corporate governance, machine learning, textual analysis, agency theory 2
public investment and underpin private sector sentiment. Moreover, some production may be relocated to Thailand in response to US-China tariffs, particularly in sectors such as electronic and automotive
relocated to OOH media, i.e. outdoor, transit and in-store and digital or online media. 3.3 Summary of financial statements during the past 3 years and the latest quarter ended March 31, 2018 together with
obtained, the document or evidence may be relocated, concealed, destroyed, or deformed, then the search, seizures, or attachment of documents or evidence relating to the commission of offences shall be
unless there is a reasonable ground to believe that by the time the search warrant is obtained, the document or evidence may be relocated, concealed, destroyed, or deformed, then the search, seizures, or