Following the concerns from the last public hearing in 2017 on the revision of the principles and regulations relating to the provident fund to resolve the issue that members did not have adequate
Following the concerns from the last public hearing in 2017 on the revision of the principles and regulations relating to the provident fund to resolve the issue that members did not have adequate
In the absence of such terms and conditions in the trust deed, the Trust for Transactions in Capital Market Act B.E.2550 (2007) stipulates that the resignation, dismissal and appointment of trustees shall be made in accordance with the rules and regulations specified by SEC and that trustees are permitted to charge for expenses incurred in making copies of documents as required by the SEC. SEC has therefore drafted the rules and regulations on the matters including the rule on collection...
directors who have interests and/or directors who are connected persons precluded themselves from meeting participation and voting, had consciously considered and has approved the entering into the related