. Exports, a key driver of the manufacturing sector, contracted at an accelerated pace compared to the first quarter. Additionally, manufacturing output also continued to falter in the same period. More
performance on the positive side was the higher volumes (due to both market demand and the acquisition of Saraburi Quicklime) which was the main driver behind a nearly 50% increase in revenues compared to Q3
482mn mainly due to the aforementioned consolidation which was the main driver in increasing the cost-to-sales ratio from 57.8% to 64.5% in this quarter. VGM’s cost structure is higher than MACO’s
the full-quarter consolidation of International Advertising segment, which was the main driver in increasing the cost-to-sales ratio from 62.1% to 88.6% in this quarter. VGM’s cost structure is higher
the worst impacts, the partial lockdown in April and May, and the lack of tourism as a driver of the economy, while not directly impacting our business, had a measurable effect on some of our customers
higher value product range are the main driver for higher revenue. We report growth in all our key markets; Thailand, Portugal and China grew 3.6%, 7.1% and 12.7% year-on-year respectively. 2) Car
ตัวแทนสัญญาซ้ือขายล่วงหน้า และอื่น ๆ รวมทั้งยังมี ความรู้ความเข้าใจ สามารถให้ความคิดเห็นทีเ่ปน็ ประโยชน์ต่อการพัฒนาตลาดทุน จึงเปน็ key driver ที่ส าคัญในการขบัเคลื่อนการด าเนินงานของ ตลท. ควรก าหนด
airtime, mobile data, international roaming (IR), international direct dialing (IDD), and other digital solutions. The main growth driver was from increasing 4G-user penetration which continued to grow to
received approval to renovate street furniture media on BTS columns, which is expected to be a key growth driver for 2019. January • Continued the process towards digitisation by replacing static billboards
driver. 9M’19 Energy drinks market continued its growth momentum of 6.3%, and our market share maintained at 53.5%, aligned with our mid-term guidance, by using multi-brand portfolio and consumer-centric