3.7% (a) Total assets Total asset as at March 31, 2019 stand at 1,276.51mb, an increase of 50.53mb or 4.1%. The main reason for the increase is due to higher trade receivables resulted from higher
90.6% 47.53 4.2% (a) Total assets Total asset as at Jun 30, 2019 stand at 1,288.51mb, an increase of 62.53mb or 5.1% . The main reason for the increase is due to higher trade receivables and cash on hand
1,119.64 91.3% 1,167.17 90.6% 47.53 4.2% Equity 1,119.64 91.3% 1,167.17 90.6% 47.53 4.2% (a) Total assets Total asset as at Jun 30, 2019 stand at 1,288.51mb, an increase of 62.53mb or 5.1% . The main reason
% Total liabilities and Shareholders’ equity 1,372.78 100.0% 1,520.95 100.0% 148.17 10.8% (a) Total assets Total assets as of March 31, 2020 stand at 1,520.95mb, an increase of 148.17mb or 10.8%. The main
107.96mb or 8.8%. The main reason for the increase is due to higher trade receivables, inventory and cash on hand, upon the consolidation of TigerSoft. Cash surplus increased by 11.65mb or 10.5% due to our
than 3.2 percent growth last year. Strong export growth in both goods and services is the main contributor of Thai economy this year, following the good expansion of trading partners’ GDP and the number
performance for three-month period ended 30 September 2017 compared to the prior year was decreasing in net profit amounting to Baht 28.17 million or 38.62% because of the following main reasons. 1.1 Revenue
comparing to 2018 or 11.9% mostly due to soften Ethylene and Glycerin price from ample supply and lower crude oil price. Summary of Performance For Q1 2019, the Company and its subsidiaries recorded net
despite of the drastically decline in Ethylene and Glycerin price from ample supply plus lower crude oil price. 2. In Q2 2019, Selling and Administrative Expenses was 338 MTHB, increased by 59 MTHB or 21.1
in Ethylene and Glycerin price from ample supply plus lower crude oil price. 2. In Q1 2020, Selling and Administrative Expenses was 350 MTHB, increased by 30 MTHB or 9% comparing to Q1 2019 which