business operators to understand and acknowledge all information, both personal and non-personal, they hold, and utilize it for their maximum benefits in line with such act. These suggestions will also
. (Thailand) Ltd. for disseminating information, which had not been reported to the Stock Exchange of Thailand, causing the public to understand that the price of TPIPL stocks would increase, as well as (3
of securities to prevent excessive burdens on debt issuers; (3) Revising regulations to be clearer, concise and easy to understand. The consultation paper is available at
understand and acknowledge the SEC Office’s Standard Procedures for Electronic Transmission of Information B.E. 2564 (2021) (Standard Procedures) and the Usage Manual on
the audit firm’s or has been received from its clients; 4. I well acknowledge and understand the requirements in the Notification of the SEC Office regarding Approval of Auditors , and I am willing to
has been received from its clients; 4. I well acknowledge and understand the requirements in the Notification of the SEC Office regarding Approval of Auditors, and I am willing to comply with all
from clients to accommodate the SEC’s request. 4. I well recognize and understand the requirements in the notification of the SEC regarding to the approval of foreign auditors and I am willing to comply
fields of practice such as the ability to understand, identify, and integrate material sustainability into their analyses and investment decisions. In collaboration with the Securities and Exchange
investment based on their risk tolerance levels. The proposed measures include: 1. Arranging for an easy-to-understand risk ranking, from 1 to 8 in ascending order, to label each mutual fund; 2. Requiring
education, international networking to assist local investors making investment abroad, and strengthening qualifications of AGM volunteer observers. We expect to see investors better understand their