The auditor expressed a qualified opinion on NRF’s interim financial statements for the third quarter of 2024 because the auditor was unable to obtain sufficient, appropriate audit evidence
In the second phase of the “ESG Product Platform” development, the SEC has introduced further information and details on “sustainability-themed bonds”; e.g., the list of top 10 issuers, detailed
operate the project and has profit as agreed during the period of agreement after Phase 2-4 start to operate water distribution. HECH would purchase more GS’s share in the future from exisiting shareholder
Impacts Assessment (EIA) and designing – drafting of architectural landscape so as to obtain Building Construction License. The project will be stared in 1Q2020 and it takes one year from start to
revenue of THB 3,818.1 million, increased 48.2% from the ended of the year 2018 as a result of commercially available for two hotels as part of the Project CROSSROADS Phase 1 which commenced the operation
-ladder-english-1.pdf ( Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 กำรเพิ่มน้ ำหนักกำรลงทุน ตำมควำมเหมำะสม ในกิจกำร ที่เกี่ยวข้องกับพลังงำนสะอำด และกิจกำรที่ช่วยลดปริมำณ กำรปล่อยคำร์บอน • กำรก ำหนดแนวนโยบำ
capital for its business operation and liquidity supplement, including to resolve the debt problem of the Company. After the disposal of Land at Bueng Kham Proi, Modern Street Company will obtain the fund
offer for sale of baht bonds, the foreign entity issuer must obtain an approval and adhere to the obligations specified by the Ministry of Finance. However, given the changing contexts and landscape of
in unabated coal in the portfolio adopt phase out plans by 2030 or sooner; an end to investment in new fossil fuel infrastructure assets, or exploration of new oil and gas fields/expansion of oil and
/8 Investor Climate Action Plans โดย AIGCC เม.ย. 65 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Source : Investor Climate Action Plans โดย Asia Investor Group on Climate Change (AIGCC) expectations-ladder-english