in competitor and the economic downturn in the country. Gross Profit The Company’s gross profit in 2017 is THB 99.52 million equivalent to 25.30 percent, in which the gross profit margin of the Company
competitor and the economic downturn in the country. Gross Profit The Company’s gross profit in 2017 is THB 99.52 million equivalent to 25.30 percent, in which the gross profit margin of the Company has
equivalent to 14.00 percent which resulted from increasing in competitor and effect from Coronavirus Disease19. In addition, revenue from contract works and revenue from rental incomes is increased by THB
Performance Measurement” *Inception date **Year of fully implemented 1 Toronto index participant shares 1956 S&P 1965 FTSE 1969 MSCI DAX 1986 Stoxx 1987 CAC 1989 TOPIX Total return indices* Float-adjusted
Issuer Rating Rating ของผูอ้อกหลักทรัพย์ varchar(20) Y 19 Participant ID รหสัผูเ้กีย่วขอ้ง (ผูรั้บรอง/ผูรั้บอาวลั/ผูส้ลักหลัง/ผูค้ ้าประกัน/ ผูส้ัง่จา่ย) varchar(2) Y ชดุ code ทีก่ าหนด (รหสัผูเ้กีย่วขอ้ง
investment between both capital markets. Both parties also discussed and exchanged regulatory views on the developments and challenges related to supervision of innovative finance and digital assets in
วิชาการด้านการศึกษาทางการบัญชี (Accounting Education Conference: AccEC 2020) “Innovative Learning and Teaching” โดยสภาวิชาชีพบัญชี ในพระบรมราชูปถัมภ์ จัดขึ้นเป็นครั้งแรก เพื่อพัฒนาอาจารย์ผู้สอนทางการบัญชี
mainly decreased from the customers of the Government. According to the increased of the market competition both of the competitor and the pricing, some projects could not continue to extend the services
by THB 29.59 million or equivalent to 20.22 percent due to increases in competitor and the economic downturn in the country. Gross Profit The Company’s gross profit for 1st Quarter 2017 is THB 31.00
to 13.22 percent due to increases in competitor and the economic downturn in the country. Gross Profit The Company’s gross profit for 2nd Quarter 2017 is THB 60.46 million equivalent to 27.01 percent