the purchaser for the outstanding amount. A part of the proceeds from the disposal of assets were used to pay down on the bank overdrafts and short- term loan outstanding in March 2017. The Company
practicable date, the aggregate amount of outstanding indebtedness that is senior to the subordinated debt securities. Also, disclose whether there is any limitation on the creation of additional senior
should increase or not. • The limitation of security demands control through turnover list ratio needs to be proved. The relationship between shareholder wealth and liquidity index in Thailand has not been
Administration, Kasetsart University E-mail: Working Paper: Does free float affect shareholder wealth? New evidence from the Stock Exchange of Thailand 1 investors or the total outstanding shares
’ qualified opinions resulted from limitation on their scope of audit/review. Hence, the auditors were unable to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence with respect to valuation of investment in PT
concerning the limitation of the voting rights and the disclosure requirement over the one-third rule so that asset management companies can disclose such information to investors. The afore-mentioned
statements due to auditor?s limitation scope of review by VTE management. As such, the auditor was unable to apply other review procedures to satisfy the carrying value of investment in foreign associate
September 30, 2014.Earlier, the SEC notified STHAI to rectify its 2012 financial statements due to the limitation on scope of audit imposed by the company management in various matters including quantities
land for Baht 166.54 million. In March 2017, the Group had transferred the ownership of the land to the purchaser since the Group has already received the payments from the purchaser for the outstanding
transferred the ownership of the land to the purchaser since the Group has already received the payments from the purchaser for the outstanding amount. For the financial statement ended December 31, 2017, the