licensed to undertake the derivatives business by a regulatory agency on derivatives in a foreign country which is a member of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO); (5) “ investor
to undertake the derivatives business by a regulatory agency on derivatives in a foreign country which is a member of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO); 1 As added by the
to undertake the derivatives business by a regulatory agency on derivatives in a foreign country which is a member of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO); 1 As added by the
-Corruption Policy via the KBank e-Learning system on a continual basis, and communicating to employees the Anti-Corruption Policy and informing them of communication channels for accepting information
and responsibilities of high-level management Chapter 2 Availability of competent personnel Chapter 3 Fund management operation system 3.1 Accepting of purchase or redemption orders of investment units
responsibilities of high-level management Chapter 2 Availability of competent personnel Chapter 3 Fund management operation system 3.1 Accepting of purchase or redemption orders of investment units 3.2 Investment
the same period of the year earlier and has gross profit margin of 31.89%. because the company has improved the structure within the organization. The company has administrative expenses of THB 3.56
Company Investment Advisory Company Derivatives Brokerage Derivatives Dealing Commercial Bank Life Insurance Company Trustee foreign juristic person / organization under digital asset business Funding
-Pacific Regional Committee (APRC) Representative to the International Organization of Securities Commissions Board (IOSCO Board) for the remainder of the term 2024-2026. This appointment provides Thailand
(Thailand) 2023. This initiative, organized by the government in collaboration with the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), the Anti-Corruption Organization (ACT), and various stakeholders, aimed