; decreasing 33% as compared to the end of the year 2017 of 32,423 million Baht. This was mainly due to the transfer of residences totaling of 3,214 million Baht, and disposition of the hotel, Observation Deck
include: land, hotel, Observation Deck, Retail Cube Building, sculptures and artworks, the licenses and contracts which are relevant to the operation of PP1 (Hotel) and PP3 (Observation Deck and Retail Cube
and shareholders under the current circumstances, but with an observation on:- Taking into consideration shareholding structure of AM after the completion of all transactions, AM will be a 40 percent
that he did not have any evidence for now. The accusation on SCIB-C1 case is only his assumption based on his observation from securities trading information publicly accessed. Mr. Thirachai
Office shall conduct due diligence of the facts in accordance with the steps and procedures specified in the Licensing Manual for the Public, and shall inform the applicant of any observation from the due
Baht or 33% as compared to the year 2017. This was due to transfer of the Ritz-Carlton residences in a total of 2,791 million Baht and disposition of assets includes hotel, observation deck and retail
hotel, observation deck and retail cube building to King Power Mahanakhon Company Limited. As a result, the Company purchased shares in the subsidiaries, Pace Project One Company Limited and Pace Project
periods of time: )a) conduct due diligence of the facts in accordance with the steps and procedures specified in the Licensing Manual for the Public, and shall notify the applicant of any observation from
arising from or related to its use. ------------------------------- Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. TorThor. 8/2551 Re: Rules, Conditions, and Procedures for Applying for Permission
arising from or related to its use. ------------------------------- Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board No. TorThor. 8/2551 Re: Rules, Conditions, and Procedures for Applying for Permission