Juvenile Observation and Protection, Ministry of Justice Chief of the Ministry Inspector General, Ministry of Justice Director General, Legal Execution Department, Ministry of Justice Deputy Permanent
Juvenile Observation and Protection, Ministry of Justice Chief of the Ministry Inspector General, Ministry of Justice Director General, Legal Execution Department, Ministry of Justice Deputy Permanent
first MOA is for cooperation in monitoring and oversight of fund mobilizing companies or capital market business operators, entering the rehabilitation process or involved in a bankruptcy case pursuant to
operating crowdfunding portals. The supervised areas include measures and implementation against conflicts of interest, member data storage, disclosure of issuer information, issuer compliance monitoring
reasonableness of the assumptions used in the fair value measurement, and to publicly disclose such assumptions and the sensitivity analysis on significant factors through the SET?s Electronic Information System
sources to support the reasonableness of the assumptions used in the fair value measurement of the observation decks as planned. PACE thus requested another deadline extension to 31 January 2018. If the
support the reasonableness of the assumptions used in the fair value measurement of the observation decks as planned. PACE thus requested another deadline extension to 31 January 2018. If the results of the
the name of instruments comply with the requirements. Face value of bills - - - Fast Track - - - Period of time required in observing + considering the application Observation and consideration period
sp ec ti on A ct iv it ie s Re po rt 1 J an ua ry 2 01 3 - 31 D ec em be r 20 13 All audit firms have implemented the relevant policies and procedures of monitoring element with some firms being more
written investment governance policy, (4) making informed investment decisions and monitoring investee companies regularly, (5) escalating monitoring of and engagement with the investee companies in case of