) -2.4% (9.10) -1.4% (14.24) -1.9% 56.5% -23.4% Net profit 143.73 18.4% 103.90 15.6% 122.93 16.7% 18.3% -14.5% Non-controlling interests of the subsidiaries (0.05) 0.0% (0.40) -0.1% - 0.0% 100.0% 100.0
personal care revenues recorded at THB 678 million, an increase of 0.5% YoY). The growth driver were the continued success of Babi Mild from the momentum of Babi Mild Sweet Almond range launched in Q2’19 and
), the cumulative market share between January – June 2019 was at 15.8%. Furthermore, service station networks continue to broaden simultaneously with the development and expansion of Non-Oil business
industrial marketing margin. Aside from the aforementioned, marketing business has higher promotional expenses and expenses for the expansion of Non-oil businesses, leading to an EBITDA of THB 669 million (-24
Non – Oil ส่งผลให้มี EBITDA 669 ล้ำนบำท (-24% YoY, -22% QoQ) ธรุกิจการตลาด ธุรกิจโรงกลั่น มีอัตรำกำรผลิตเฉล่ียที่ 114.02 พัน บำร์เรลต่อวัน (+2% YoY, +4%QoQ) โดยค่ำกำรกล่ัน พื้นฐำนที่ดีในเดือนเมษำยนเป็น
, 2014; Davis, and Tama-Sweet, 2012; Ertugrul, Lei, Qiu, and Wan, 2017; Loughran and McDonald, 2020; Baker, Bloom, and Davis, 2016; Ongsakul, Chatjuthamard, Jiraporn, and Chaivisuttangun, 2021; Likitapiwat
% 31% 3,734 4,838 30% Owners of the Company 1,174 993 1,316 12% 33% 3,855 4,393 14% Non-controlling interests (47) 153 179 483% 17% (121) 446 468% Earnings per share (Baht per Share) 0.85 0.72 0.96 2.80
. the rebranding of the membership card “Bangchak Green Miles”, and the offering of Non-oil businesses and services varieties to better meet customers’ needs. Net Marketing Margin softened, as retail
1.41 0.03 1.47 0.02 - - - - Total current assets 554.19 11.08 478.89 8.05 320.53 4.54 199.63 2.50 Non-current assets Deposits at financial institutions pledged as collateral 40.18 0.80 4.11 0.07 4.14
ล้ำนบำท เพิ่มขึ้น 21% YoY และ 8% QoQ ส่วนใหญ่เพิ่มขึ้นจำก (1) ค่ำใช้จ่ำยเกี่ยวกบัพนักงำนของกลุ่มบรษิัทฯ (2) ค่ำใช้จ่ำยจำกกำรขยำยธุรกจิ Non-Oil ของบรษิัท BCR (3) ค่ำธรรมเนียมวชิำชพีและค่ำทีป่รกึษำ