1 Factsheet 13 ก $ 2566 ก ()*+ ,-$),./ $$ /$ 0( 1 (( 1YE8 $$,5 $,,, 0(6 ก / กก • 0(6 ก : ก / $$ / ก ( 9:: $( ,/$ 0( 1 • กก : Miscellaneous A,:$,90ก, B.ก$ • ก C0 Dก
1 Factsheet 13 ก $ 2566 ก ()*+ ,-$),./ $$ /$ 0( 1 (( 3ME5 $$,4 $,,, 0(5 ก / กก • 0(5 ก : ก / $$ / ก ( 899 $( ,/$ 0( 1 • กก : Miscellaneous ?,9$,80ก, @.ก$ • ก A0 Bก
1 Factsheet 13 ก $ 2566 ก ()*+ ,-$),./ $$ /$ 0( 1 (( 6MS1 $$,4 $,,, 0(5 ก / กก • 0(5 ก : ก / $$ / ก ( 899 $( ,/$ 0( 1 • กก : Miscellaneous ?,9$,80ก, @.ก$ • ก A0 Bก
1 Factsheet 20 #$%& 2566 ก #*+, &-%*&. ก$%#*/ 1 7 2#3 ก / กก • 2#3 ก : ก / %% / ก 6 ก$%#*/7 / ก 899, % # &/% 2# : • กก : Miscellaneous A&9%&82ก& B.ก% • ก C2 Dก -&. -&.*#E
1 Factsheet 21 #$%& 2566 ก #*+, &-%*&. ก$%#*/ 3 #+ 12 1#2 ก / กก • 1#2 ก : ก / %% / ก 5 ก$%#*/6 / ก 788, % # &/% 1# 9 • กก : Miscellaneous @&8%&71ก& A.ก% • ก B1 Cก
1 Factsheet 20 #$%& 2566 ก #*+, &-%*&. ก$%#*/ 6 #+ 9 1#2 ก / กก • 1#2 ก : ก / %% / ก 5 ก$%#*/6 / ก 788, % # &/% 1# 9 • กก : Miscellaneous @&8%&71ก& A.ก% • ก B1 Cก
% Fixed Income Money Market Thailand Equity Property Fund Foreign EQ Allocation Commodities ETF Miscellaneous 2 Thai Mutual Fund Industry 68% 12% 20% 74% 21% 5% Equity Large-Cap Equity Small/Mid https
period of 2 0 1 7 as driven mainly by rising expenses on office employees, office and miscellaneous expenses and depreciation and amortization expenses to support more workloads and more units from
64.05 26.74 65.09 1.60 5.98 Miscellaneous expenses 6.85 17.45 6.14 14.95 (0.71) (11.56) Depreciation and amortization 2.37 6.04 3.70 9.01 1.33 35.95 Tax and other fee 3.89 9.91 2.97 7.23 (0.92) (30.98
58.43 7.71 25.36 Miscellaneous expenses 7.14 17.05 5.78 11.11 (1.36) -23.53 Depreciation and amortization 3.06 7.31 3.82 7.34 0.76 19.90 Tax and other fee 4.01 9.58 3.02 5.80 (0.99) -32.78 Others/1 4.97