SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol said: “Due to the current situation of the COVID-19 outbreak, SEC has issued this support measure to help personnel in the capital market business to
services of oil & gas service valued of THB 74.71 million, NDT services (Non-Destructive Testing) THB of 83.3 million, Manpower supply services of THB 15.58 million and The Water Supply of THB 4.1 million. 2
Supervisory Board.* Therefore, SEC will not accept his future application for approval as personnel in the capital market business for a period of five years, effective from 25 February 2020. Investors are
% due to Training & Education. 1.5 Administrative expenses increased 9.14 MB or 6.49 % due to develop manpower by Training, Product Research and Development and Warehouse Management. 1.6 Corporate income
operation from AEON Systems with cost of totally not more than 33.55 million baht details as follows: Company Yearly Manpower Cost (Baht) AEONTS 12,540,000 ASB Cambodia 14,628,000 ALS Lao 3,192,000 AMF
development and maintenance of the systems which need for each company’s operation from AEON Systems with cost of totally not more than 37,803,600 baht details as follows: Unit: Baht Company Yearly Manpower
maintenance of the systems which need for each company’s operation from AEON Systems with cost of totally not more than 60,560,936 baht details as follows: Unit: Baht Company Yearly Manpower Cost AEONTS
Capital Market Supervisory Board.* SEC has therefore revoked the approval and will not accept her future application for approval as personnel in the capital market business for a period of 10 years
will not accept her future application for approval as personnel in the capital market for the remaining period from 31 December 2020 until the 15-month suspension ends. {A} resigned from Finansia on
case, investors should check the records of transaction confirmation regularly to make sure that they are properly issued by the securities companies in charge. In case of suspicious incidents