Rules on Personnel in the Capital Market Business
-term employment benefits 400 days scheme increase of Baht 1.14 million and reduced the workforce of office personnel of Baht 2.80 million. - Finance costs increased by 34.98 percent from the same period
depreciation of BanBueng factory of Baht 6.57 million and reduced the workforce of office personnel of Baht 3.96 million. - Finance costs increased by 31.37 percent from the same period of the previous quarter
The Repeal of Notifications related to Directors, Managers and Other Personnel of Securities Companies and Derivatives Business Operators
the firm’s audit manual and audit procedures, the lack of understanding in requirement of relevant standards, the lack of competent and skillful personnel, and the inappropriateness of internal
Adequacy Requirements |- Executives / Personnel | - |- Approval & Qualifications |- Fees |- Related Circular Letter Executives of securities companies and personnel in securities business |- Approval and
KBank prioritizes customer service and accessibility while also supporting government policies. Focus has thus been on the development of personnel and work processes for enhanced customer care and
, financial institutions are ranked first in this category as they have invested in both relevant knowhow and personnel. Cyber risk management processes of financial institutions are, moreover, consistent with
, most of today’s documented workforce are unlikely to earn adequate income after retirement. Given this landscape, retirement savings has become a part of the national agenda stated in the 20-Year
collaboration of audit firm leaders, auditors and personnel. Nevertheless, some audit firms have yet to remove deficiencies in engagement performance and monitoring while they are revising their audit manual and