% 110% 120% Pe rc en ta ge o f T ot al D is tr ib ut io n Range of Replacement Rates (Max - Min) obtain from strategically timing the start of Social Security benefits (e.g., delaying the initial claiming
: Total amount of 12,000,000 Baht (800,000 Baht per Rai) 5.3 Evaluation criteria of transaction : Based on the conditions for arm’s length transaction and negotiation between parties. Reference prices is
) Remark Length 1 รหัสบริษัทจัดการ - Char(3) 2 วันที่รายงาน - Char(2) 3 เดือนที่รายงาน - Char(2) 4 ปีที่รายงาน(ปี พ.ศ.) - Char(4) 5 ประเภทรายงาน D = ข้อมูลประจำวัน M = ข้อมูลประจำเดือน Y = ข้อมูลประจำปี เป็น
ASEAN funds and allow fund managers to offer a broader range of fund products to investors in the region. The key enhancements to the Framework will:(a) enable a wider range of fund managers to
range of businesses and services as well as associated risks. Zipmex is required to fully comply with the order within three days as from the date on which the SEC notifies the company of the SEC Board’s
arms’ length and after the close, Continental will not have any claims against the Company. This disposal of asset transaction is not considered as material transaction, as the highest value of
could be exchanged or a liability settled between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm's length transaction. 4. New policy on allowance for obsolete inventories Inventory from 1 year and above and
: The company is engaged in manufacturing operations for ladies’ apparel products, covering the range of ladies’ lingerie, ladies’ outerwear, and childrenwear, with ladies’ lingerie category serving as
and continuous declining global economy and the greater range of fluctuation that had a strong effect to maritime industry. Please be informed accordingly. Yours sincerely, Chanet Phenjati President
. The net loss decreased 39.85% The loss from operation was due to the long and continuous declining global economy and the greater range of fluctuation that had a strong effect to maritime industry