partially used to pay the trade creditors and other creditors 2. A decreased of the investment in the trading securities in a debt fund in the amount of THB 200 million 3. A decreased of the trade debtors and
throughout the term of the bonds; (2) A waiver of the terms and conditions to allow the bond issuer to negotiate or enter into any agreements with creditors for debt restructuring without it being
income. In addition, many GSTEL creditors are filing lawsuits against the company for debt repayment. IFA therefore views that it is unnecessary to extend the repayment period as the extension is
contracts with creditors for debt restructuring without being considered as a cause of default under the Terms of Rights; Agenda Item 2: Consideration for approval of an extension of the maturity
: Listed companies should clearly specify qualifications of independent directors to exclude business relations, such as being major clients, suppliers, creditors, or debtors. According to the good
: Listed companies should clearly specify qualifications of independent directors to exclude business relations, such as being major clients, suppliers, creditors, or debtors. According to the good
the contract is discharged by law or by creditors ? and may derecognize financial assets when it has transferred substantially all risks and rewards of ownership of the asset. In this case, there is a
is for the creditors to submit a request for debt repayment to the official receiver of the Legal Execution Department within two months from the publication date in the Government Gazette on 11
improved relations with workers, creditors, and other stakeholders. Better investor protection can lower the cost of capital and encourage companies to list and raise funds through equity markets. It is
Subsidiary Company”) to the Debenture Creditors at the Central Office for Machinery Registration, Department of Industrial Works, Ministry of Industry in order to swap the debenture of Rich Asia Corporation