of materials and labor costs in effectively, which results in an increase in gross profit compared to the same period last year and onwards. 3 Cost of sales food and beverage Cost was 180.8 MB, an
, or 2.9% from the total revenues, an increase of 100.0% compared on the same period from last year. 4. Gain on disposals of investment in subsidiaries, in the period for nine-month ended September 30
ended December 31, 2018, accumulated amount of 312.0 million baht, or 1.9% from the total revenues, an increase of 100.0% compared on the same period from last year. 4. Gain on disposals of investment in
, decreasing Baht 37.52 million because last year The Company had gain on sale of general investment of Baht 25 million and gain on sale of investment in listed securities. While this year, especially in the
. Other income in Q2/2019 increased by 3.70 million baht when compared to the same period of last year. Because have forex gain in 2019. Administrative expenses in Q2/2019 decreased by 3.35 million baht
0.33 Million Baht or 93.86% decrease from the same period last year. This was the result of received from associated companies is Thai Takaya Co.,Ltd. 0.30 Million Baht. 4. Gain on sales of assets 1.74
Electrode’s price which is a part of conversion cost higher than same period of last year. Net gain on foreign exchange rate Consolidated net gain on foreign exchange amounted to Baht 287 million. The gain is
1,213 million (up 605%yoy) as GGC recognized stock gain last year while recognized stock loss this year. 4Q16 3Q17 4Q17 yoy qoq FY 16 FY 17 yoy Plant Util ization Rate (%) 105% 123% 121% 16% -2% 98% 112
. Whilst in last year Management Discussion and Analysis Q2/2020 G J Steel Public Company Limited Page 4/6 บริษัท จี เจ สตีล จํากัด (มหาชน) G J Steel Public Company Limited GJS quarter there was gain from
gain on sales of available for sales on investment of THB 38 million in 2Q18. Excluding this transaction, the revenue from other business is the same level as last year. In 2Q19, EBITDA from other