conditions, resulting in a lack of raw materials for production and inability to produce and export at full efficiency and effectiveness. At the end of 2023, the company has planned to reserve sufficient raw
, the cost of rental and rendering services also decreased due to lack of condominium units’ costs. So, the gross loss margin of rental and services in 2018 increased to THB4.45 million or loss margin
financial statements on cost of sales and inventories which revealed lack of efficiency and reliability of AIE internal control system. The auditor was thus unable to gather sufficient evidence for such
proper, and (3) the sales and purchases of assets were reasonably made. Such lack of clarity may affect the benefits of GSTEEL and GJS shareholders and the decision-making of investors. GSTEEL and GJS must
region with foreign investment funds as well as using mutual funds to help solve a lack of savings. Vorapol Socatiyanurak, SEC Secretary-General revealed after the last quarterly meeting of 2014 with the
participation in this regulatory sandbox is expected to solve issues in corporate bond market. This includes the issue of time-consuming process for verification of bondholders’ ownership and the lack of
necessary information for investment decisions. Besides, the related business operators may not be under the SEC's supervision, and the digital tokens may not be supported by any secondary market and lack
have any of the following prohibited characteristics: (1) having deficiency in legal competence, for instance, being an insolvent person, incompetent or quasi-incompetent person; (2) having or plausibly
management company shall make payment out of the management company in the amount equivalent to the difference representing the deficiency, or reduce the number of such remaining investment units and make
amount to be reduced, the management company shall make payment out of the management company in the amount equivalent to the difference representing the deficiency, or reduce the number of such remaining