certain conditions precedents before enter the Transaction in regards of risk managements in conflict of interests, and the key terms are as follows: Condition Precedents 1) Undertaking that after the
capture and storage) • Shifts in supply and demand for certain commodities, products, and services • Customer or community perceptions of an organization’s contribution to or detraction from the transition
considered all relevant aspects and were certain that the nature and scope of the non-audit services provided to their audit clients would not jeopardize their independence. For any particular circumstances in
production and distribution of biodiesel from CPO industry, which is the inherent risk that significantly impact on the Company's performance that is the risk of fluctuation in CPO price; mostly caused by the
and distribution of biodiesel from CPO industry, which is the inherent risk that significantly impact on the Company's performance that is the risk of fluctuation in CPO price; mostly caused by the
industry’s performances, which is the inherent risk that significantly impact on their performances that is the risk of fluctuation in CPO price; mostly caused by the intervention of the government to
Trade (DIT) The fluctuation of CPO price mentioned above had reflected the Company's business operation in the production and distribution of biodiesel from CPO industry, which is the inherent risk that
ริษทัฯในอุตสาหกรรมการ ผลิตและจ าหน่ายน ้ามนัไบโอดีเซลจากน ้ามนัปาลม์ดิบนั้นมีปัจจยัความเส่ียงหลกัท่ีมีอยู่ตามลกัษณะการด าเนินงานของบริษทัฯ (Inherent Risk) ท่ีสร้างผลกระทบต่อผลการด าเนินงานของบริษทัฯอย่า
price mentioned above had reflected the Company's business operation in the production and distribution of biodiesel from CPO industry, which is the inherent risk that significantly impact on the
มนัไบโอดีเซลจากน ้ ามนัปาลม์ดิบนั้นมีปัจจยัความเส่ียงหลกัท่ีมีอยูต่ามลกัษณะการด าเนินงานของบริษทัฯ (Inherent Risk) ท่ีสร้างผลกระทบต่อผลการด าเนินงานของบริษทัฯอยา่งมีนยัส าคญั ไดแ้ก่ ความเส่ียงจากความผนัผ