to protect the confidentiality of some types of information these entities share with them. To help achieve the objectives outlined in the IOSCO CRA Principles, which should be read in conjunction with
mentioned above will help support the Company to achieve its growth target for 2018.
.......................................................... 51 G20/OECD PRINCIPLES OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE © OECD 2015 9 About the Principles The Principles are intended to help policy makers evaluate and improve the legal, regulatory, and institutional
therefore doing the things that help an investor achieve those goals (i.e., adding Gamma) is a differ- ent type of value than can be attributed to alpha or beta alone, and is in many ways more valuable
of listed companies, as well as other policy directions that would help reduce challenges to accessing capital sources and carrying out the responsibilities of listed companies. The goal is to ensure
appropriate level of risks. To achieve such a goal, the SEC believes that investing in activities with emphasis on sustainability strategies, good governance and accountability to the society and environment
well as other social media, to invest in securities or futures. The solicitation was made with a promise to manage investment to achieve high rate of returns within a short period of time, providing that
well as other social media, to invest in securities or futures. The solicitation was made with a promise to manage investment to achieve high rate of returns within a short period of time, providing that
achieve more practicality and be more responsive to current circumstances which can help facilitate private sector?s fund raising in the capital market. Without compromising investor protection, the revised
public and private sectors. Creating collaboration among all agencies in terms of concerted efforts to achieve the mission for well-being of the public. Our Roles How We Regulate SEC Working Principles