Data report_year report_month rating_investment_group ttm_group assetliab_value last_updated 2023 6 GOV >2y 46546217102 2024-08-09 2023 6 Investment Grade 6m-1y 1.757E+11 2024-08-09 2023 7 GOV
Data report_year report_month rating_investment_group ttm_group assetliab_value last_updated 2023 6 GOV >2y 46546217102 2024-08-09 2023 6 Investment Grade 6m-1y 1.757E+11 2024-08-09 2023 7 GOV
Data report_year report_month rating_group sum_outstanding last_updated 2019 1 Unrated 5.47442E+11 2025-01-09 2019 2 Investment Grade 4.18476E+12 2025-01-09 2019 3 Unrated 5.6102E+11 2025-01-09 2019
their risk level in compliance with the governing rules.
, which also shows the outstanding balance of each bond issue, SEC Bond Check Version 2 features an advanced search function by interest rate range, time to maturity, credit rating and risk level
ประเภทนายหน้าซื้อขายหลักทรัพย์ที่เป็นหน่วยลงทุน มีหน้าที่ต้องประเมินระดับความเสี่ยงเกี่ยวกับระบบเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศซึ่งส่งผลต่อการดำเนินธุรกิจของผู้ประกอบธุรกิจตามแบบรายงาน Risk Level Assessment ("
than his/her risk tolerance level can do so after signing for acknowledgement of such higher risk level; 3. Requiring money market funds and fixed income funds with daily redemption feature to provide
the client mutual fund investment advice describing that the principal would not be affected. The said advice was given, even though the client made investment in a mixed fund having medium to high risk
article, investment policy with the lowest risk level at that time will be applicable. The proposal aims to provide the fund with more flexibility to prescribe its default investment policy to serve diverse
having medium to high risk level without principal guarantee. He, additionally, did not give the client the fund prospectus before making the investment decision.Failure to inform the client of complete