. The methods which are consensus between the fund/trust manager and the fund supervisor/or the trustee;(2) Amending the rule on determining rents by abolishing the requirement on the ratio of fixed
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across their value chains in line with just transition principles and align their public policy activities with the goals of the Paris Agreement (directly or via industry associations/trade bodies
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Conglomerate’s capital adequacy ratio (CAR) according to the Basel III Accord was 17.63 percent, with a Tier 1 capital ratio of 15.25 percent. KBank has emphasized synergy with K Companies, strategic partners and
Rules for Custody of Customer Assets and Essential Details of Custody Agreement
of the company. And, more often than not, clearly articulated investors’ views and questions will influence company leaders’ thinking, particularly if they reflect a growing consensus. As investors, we
Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC)’s Framework that has been developed by a consensus process involving companies, investors and other stakeholders to achieve a common framework for holistic company
Asia, agreed by consensus in 2003. The White Paper was an ambi- tious undertaking for a region as diverse as Asia. The 2003 White Paper on Corporate Governance in Asia was the basis of this Report. Since
Operator must submit a completed Form 35 – NRI CIS in hard copies accompanied by all supporting documentation as specified in Form 35 – NRI CIS to the SEC Thailand for the ASEAN NRI CIS. 2. ASEAN CIS